About Me

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I am a 27 year-old wife and mother of two. I am currently in a Grad School Intervention Specialist Program, though my undergrad was in Journalism and that is were my real passion lies. Don't get me wrong, I know I will love what I do...I have worked with kids with Special Needs for half my life, but I also have a great passion for journalism and literature.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Does ketosis or PSMF cause depression?

Birthday Party...
     Today was my baby's first birthday party... my little men are getting so big! :o(  This was also a little sad because it was the typical birthday party: cake, pizza, and more cake. And of course the beer and wine I couldn't drink to soften the blow...
     I picked up the cake, then went straight to pick up the pizza....one may argue that those aromas are not for mixing in a car, but I was pretty much dying inside. I'm so HUNGRY! Made it through the party without a single slip though, even though I, of course, was given the job of cutting the delicious looking cake. It was killer...

All-nighter, no snacks...
     It used to be, when I was up all night doing school work that by keeping a bowl of pretzels, or even vegetables for goodness sake, would help keep me going when I would not be gracing the bed with my presence that night. I can't even have a good Skinny Caramel Macchiato to keep me going.... I have a perfectly good Starbucks gift card sitting unused. :o(

     I'm really pretty sure that this diet actually makes me a little depressed. And I'm not talking about my silly ranting about missing Starbucks and chocolate, although that is depressing in its own right. I am referring to feeling actually depressed. I have been the most emotional person the past two weeks, I can't remember ever crying this much! I pity my husband and kids right now...

     Oh, and here's the kicker...this was the first morning I woke up and had lost zero pounds. I know this shouldn't matter right now, I'm only supposed to go by my weekly weight, but it's still depressing...


  1. Yo!

    Currently 12 days into a PSMF myself, found your blog, totally sympathise with all of this. Only solution to emotional turbulence has been to bury myself in university work. Plan is just to push through it and hope for the best. But I'll definitely keep reading, good to know someone else put there is going through the same livingeffinghell. Good luck!


  2. It's true, misery loves company! Oh, and just wait, tonight's will be especially bitter! ;op

    How is your progress?

  3. Approximately 13lbs, but my weight was going up 6 / down 7 / up 8 / down 5, so on and so forth, for the time preceding.

    Does that sentence make sense? I've woken up on day 13 and feel particularly 'bleh'. Goodbye glcyogen stores.

    A site I've found really useful is www.physicsdiet.com. It's basically just somewhere you plug in a daily weight, and then particularly 'good' smoothing formulas are applied to the numbers to show a trend. It incorporates that there are fluctuations to be expected, and reminds you that even when you only lose 1/2 a lb or something, you're still moving down overall.

    Man, a part of me just hopes I fall asleep for a lot of today.

  4. 13 pounds is great! And nice recommendation on the website...went there today, like how it graphs it so nicely.

