About Me

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I am a 27 year-old wife and mother of two. I am currently in a Grad School Intervention Specialist Program, though my undergrad was in Journalism and that is were my real passion lies. Don't get me wrong, I know I will love what I do...I have worked with kids with Special Needs for half my life, but I also have a great passion for journalism and literature.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day One Continued...

     After a lengthy trip to the grocery store (took so long trying to make sure nothing would interfere with the diet) and stocking up on some essentials for my undertaking of the PSMF, I have now eaten: scrambled eggs w/2% cheese and two pieces of turkey bacon.
     Although my first day didn't exactly go swimmingly in terms of what I ate, I still feel pretty good about it. I have all the necessary foods to get exactly what I should eat, when I should eat it from this point onward. And I didn't eat anything I shouldn't today...just didn't eat enough of what I was supposed to!
     I gave the chem strips a try just for the fun of it. Plus I thought it would be nice to know for comparison purposes. Definitely no ketones being released in this body. Good to know...that hopefully means that when I see that I am testing positive it means results should follow shortly after...
     Looking forward to the end of this weekend and the being of Ketosis when this is all supposed to be much easier...boost of energy, loss of appetite, etc.

**On a side note: Found a really great water enhancer that does not include aspartame (which is limited on this diet) and is zero calorie. It's called Mi0. Would suggest giving it a try if you are looking for a way to get more fluids.

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