About Me

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I am a 27 year-old wife and mother of two. I am currently in a Grad School Intervention Specialist Program, though my undergrad was in Journalism and that is were my real passion lies. Don't get me wrong, I know I will love what I do...I have worked with kids with Special Needs for half my life, but I also have a great passion for journalism and literature.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

PSMF w/PCOS Day Seven -- Seriously?

Laundry and crying...
     So I would love to know how other people are doing on this diet. I don't know if it's the diet itself or the insane amount of upheaval in my life right now, but apparently I am an emotional mess. I spent my day doing laundry and crying. That really was about the extent of it until I had to go to class and watch everyone eat candy and cookies...seriously?

Headaches galor...
     I was told that I might have a headache for the first few days, but seeing as this is day seven and all I thought I would be past that. Especially since I don't think I even had one in the first couple days. (Although I would have to re-read my own blog because I have the worst memory on the face of the earth!) Have had this steady, almost hangover like, headache since about 11AM...seriously?

Broken computers, long classes, and family dinners...
     So while attempting to finish a paper for tonights class my computer decided to hate me and died. Must take to the Apple store first thing tomorrow. Needless to say my paper is not yet completed. But still, I went to class and sat through a much longer session than I anticipated. I'm exhausted...is it the emotion, stress, lack of food, I don't know, but I am absolutely exhausted.
     Finally class ends, so I make my way to my parents house for our traditional Passover meal (one of my favorite of the year incidently) of lamb, tabouli, and pita. Of course I can't eat most of it so I sit hungrily watching other people eat my favorite food.
     I continue to monitor my ketones, I have been checking morning and evening just for comparison sake, and I'm still not very impressed with the results. Continues to show between trace and small, and occassionally moderate. This is the element that is supposed to keep me from getting hungry (and I am starving right now), and is supposed to give me an energy boost, did I mention I'm exhausted?
     I mean, really, all I can say is: Seriously??

1 comment:

  1. ok, so you really want to hear from others doing the same thing??

    Day 5, down about 3 pounds. Much easier for me, no PCOS and nobody else in the house. Well, two basset hounds, but their biscuts aren't a temptation... Detox headache not too bad, but I went really low on the carbs to start - no dairy. Have to break a really bad sugar binge...

    About me - I'm 32 (in hex, that is!) and I've got 60-80 to lose. Excercise, lots of walking, and stairs!

