About Me

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I am a 27 year-old wife and mother of two. I am currently in a Grad School Intervention Specialist Program, though my undergrad was in Journalism and that is were my real passion lies. Don't get me wrong, I know I will love what I do...I have worked with kids with Special Needs for half my life, but I also have a great passion for journalism and literature.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Weigh Day...and moving day!

Check in:
     Ok, so 4 pounds down this week. Again, realize that's good, but having a hard time getting psyched about it.... I'm sure I'll feel better after we're moved and settled and I'm not so stressed.


  1. Hit a total low today, think that occasionally the PSMF can be just so gruelling that you need to push straight past a very real mental assault.

    Tip 1 - Wake up, drink lots of coffee

    Tip 2 - Try to spend a few consecutive hours in the library for any relevant academic work

    Tip 3 - Read books / watch films / preferrably books/films that are in some way motivational and have as their subject men/women doing extraordinary things. Seriously, Batman, Iron Man, these are good places to start.

    Tip 4 - Use physicsdiet to graph where you will be in the next couple of days, it fuels a 'one more day' mentality that can push you a good while longer.

    Good luck!

  2. That is crazy...I felt the SAME way yesterday. I was in such a PSMF slump/depression I was just fed up. It's been particularly stressful dealing with all the moving things this weekend, but man alive, it was by far the hardest day I have had to overcome.
    All very good suggestions by the way...I seriously need to get the tv up and working so I can at least have some background noise while unpacking!
    Good luck! Keep on truckin'

